[RWF #7… ]

Berlin Alexanderplatz – Rainer Werner Fassbinder (1980)

Victor-Katia (Posted on Jan 8 2015): “ … Relationships between Franz and Reinhold are paradigmatic for the human culture. It is a moral distance between Gandhi and Churchill, Allende and Pinochet, Kennedy and Nixon, Bukharin and Stalin, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and „survivalists by any means“ under totalitarian regimes. And it is a spiritual distance between people like Samuel Clemens [Mark Twain], William Faulkner, Godard or Fassbinder and craftsmen exchanging entertainment for enter-payment. Relationships between Franz and Reinhold are modeled on the relationship between archetypal (not doctrinal) Good and Evil. … Fassbinder’s Biberkopf epics (following Doblin’s steps) is saying something very important to us, especially today in US when political naiveté makes its triumphal return – that Good and Evil, light and darkness, glory and envy have the same human substance, that it is Good and Evil’s common weakness of psychological immaturity what is the basis for their competitive obsession with each other, that good doesn’t know that it carries a lot of evilness, that good is not a super-human good and evil is not a metaphysical evil, that both are positions which human complexes take when they are exposed to human destiny, that hate and megalomaniacal postures are equally aggressive – the right and the left fists both deliriously fighting absolutized enemies. Franz and Reinhold! … If Franz is self-centered in his ego-ideal Reinhold is in his ego. … “ | http://www.actingoutpolitics.com/alexander-platz/

Christiane Peitz (06.05.2015): “ … das Ästhetische ist politisch, Fassbinders Erkundung der Machtverhältnisse in der Liebe, des Faschismus im Privaten. „Diese verstörenden Bildarrangements, mit Spiegeln, Rahmungen, Tiefenstaffelung, … Da ist sein fehlerfrei ins Diktafon gesprochenes „Berlin Alexanderplatz“-Script (78 Stunden!), … Und der Brief von Romy Schneider, die 1975 seine Anfrage wegen „Die Ehe der Maria Braun“ beantwortete. Irre, wie oft darin das Wort Angst vorkommt. Dazu Fassbinders Liebe zu Listen, zu Besetzungs-, Kalkulations- wie Fußballerlisten. Von wegen Chaot. … Das Rätsel Rainer Werner Fassbinder, gelöst? Viele Weggefährten sind tot, an Drogen gestorben, an früher Krankheit, an einer Überdosis Arbeit, an Nichtversöhntheit. …“ | https://www.tagesspiegel.de/kultur/zum-70-von-rainer-werner-fassbinder-geliebt-und-gehasst/11733146.html

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